Please take a moment to review this FAQ section before contacting REPCOMSEET. Answers to our most frequently-asked questions are provided below, and may save you the trouble of contacting us.


REPCOMSEET is an acronym for Research and Publications Committee on Sciences, Engineering and Environmental Technology which was established as a Research Institute by The Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

What should I do if I am having technical difficulties using your website?

Please contact us if you are having problems using the search engine or another feature on our website. Also, click here to use our feedback and comments to tell us where to improve on!

How can I purchase the Journal or Book of Proceedings I saw on your website?

If you choose to order the Journal called IJOSEET, please click here!
If you also choose to order the Book of Proceedings, please click here!
You can also choose to order for both materials, click here to go straight to the order page.

How can I contact someone I saw mentioned on your website?

REPCOMSEET does not offer direct contact with researcher, inventors, or anyone else you may have seen mentioned on our website except if such an information is necessary. However, you can send us an email and we would send you the details if the person whose contact you are requesting authorizes us to.

How can I view a the full article?

You are now privileged to view all publication materials, their abstracts only, and the full article. It has been fully paid for by the authors. You can see all IJOSEET publications by clicking here.

How can I get more information about a particular article?

Simply send us an email or better still, order for that material.

Can you correct an error in the information I saw on your website about me and/or my article?

We are working daily to improve our functionality and contents. Please contact us and let us know if your information is incorrect and how it should be corrected, and we will try to incorporate it into future site upgrades and corrections.

I am an inventor or researcher and wants to be listed on your site. How do I get started?

Before you can have your material listed in either IJOSEET or Book of Proceedings, such information must be presented at the yearly International Conference which you must attend and then after all necessary review and verification of the authenticity of the claims of your research has been accepted, then it would be published.

I want to attend the International Conference, but I am not a Nigerian Resident?

The International Conference is for all researchers from all parts of the world and not limited to Nigerian - Residents only. If you need help with accommodation, visa, and other immigration service, then please call the Secretary General on +234 - 803 - 502 - 8640 and he will offer necessary assistance.

I am Researcher and have a website, will REPCOMSEET provide a link to my research website?

REPCOMSEET carefully considers each link exchange request and reviews the proposed links for relevance to our site. If your website has a professional appearance, is about science, engineering or environmental technology research, and is relevant to NACONSEET, we may link to it upon request. In exchange, we ask that you link to our site as well, at Please contact us to request that we review your site for a link exchange. Also, you must have attended the International Conference or subscribe to either or both of IJOSEET and Book of Proceedings.

I want to order for IJOSEET / Book of Proceedings, but I reside outside Nigeria?

Currently, we accept only direct deposit payment. However, if you want to order for those materials, you can contact our corporate partner Fecom-Bit Business Enterprises on +234-805-317-3208. They will accept your payment online and then go ahead to make the direct deposit on your behalf. We will then send the material requested to you. Note, you will have to pay the cost of shipment in addition to the cost of the material. Fecom-Bit charges a commission of $3.00 per material ordered and $5.00 if every two materials ordered for.

Can I exhibit my Invention or Product at the Conference Venue?

Sure! But you must first contact us and inform us about it.

Contact us for more information. Do you still have more questions that you feel has not been comprehensively answered here, click here to use our online feedback and comment form to send us your questions and we will get back to you within the next 24hours with appropriate response